
Soi is designed to help an artist stay productive, develop skills and build a body of work. These principles will help you make more art, document and learn from what you are doing, and to work with others. The principles also provide a framework for conceptualizing projects.



We believe that lots of small projects are the best way to build the confidence and skill to succeed at larger work. No matter what art form you work in, it’s important to find a way to “sketch”. Small projects with a definite finishing date allow you to make mistakes, learn from them and move on.



The reason work does not get documented is simple, people don’t know how or when to do it. For this reason we build documentation into the creative process, though we take it one step further. Not only a record of the work, but a record of the process from conception to production through final reception. 


Method as Medium

When you treat method as medium you are not only applying the method, but you are able to present it. When you are able to do that you are able to consciously reflect on what you are doing, adapt, improve or abandon as needed.


Good people carry on the worst practices because they don’t know any alternative. Almost worse than the poor compensation artists receive is that many people never receive credit for the work they do. Soi is concerned with addressing these issues in ways that are simple, sustainable and that scale.